Meeting Rooms


The Union Library Company of Hatboro has meeting rooms for Library sponsored activities, which are held as a means of fulfilling its public service goals. When not in use by the library, the meeting rooms are available to community organizations for meetings or for programs of civic, cultural, social and educational interest. The Board of Library Directors does not endorse the objectives of any organization using the meeting room.

Library sponsored activities have priority over all non-library activities held in the meeting room. Meeting rooms will be reserved on a first come first served basis for all, whether or not a fee for use is involved.

All Library meeting rooms are free of charge for non- profit organizations based in the Borough of Hatboro, governmental agencies, charitable groups and issue oriented groups if used during library hours.

A fee will be charged to Persons or groups from outside the borough.

The Union Library recognizes the need of commercial firms for space for conferences and workshops. Meeting rooms will be made available for this purpose, for a fee, with the approval of the Board of Directors.

Please contact the library for more information about specific fees or to reserve a room

